The Libra Full Moon implies a long-term decision whose consequences are still not taken seriously. The need to keep a certain image of ourselves or to maintain an apparent control or balance prevents a realistic and concrete approach, making the mental process a parade of insufficiently processed personal impressions and opinions. Pride motivates chaotic behavior and inflates a fragile and immature ego beyond limits.
The Libra Full Moon in trine with Saturn in Aquarius gives us the chance for a conversation in which the arguments are based on the logic of the facts and a sound caution. Maturity and life experience are allies of a practical and moderate perspective, but the success of this exchange of ideas depends entirely on everyone’s willingness to give up an outdated model of thinking based on the desire to be accepted, validated and liked by others.
Venus in Pisces, the ruler of the Libra Full Moon, in sextile with Mercury in Taurus, makes countless possible scenarios for the future and looks for resources of time, money or internal to turn her dreams into reality. The trap is to believe that what we have at our disposal will remain the same in the future and that the path we will take will be identical to the one we are currently visualizing. The current conditions are not guaranteed for us in half a year, when we will start living what is now seen as a beautiful mirage.
Venus in conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces (April 23th – May 2nd) helps either in an interaction full of compassion and understanding for the one close to us, or in a massive idealization of the savior’s abilities and, implicitly, in the loss of the chance to live on a deep level the pain caused by the wounds through which our human condition can be saved and regained. A huge chance of healing can be easily wasted because of the ignorance and confusion that arises from credulity and naivety, as well as from convenience or intellectual superficiality.
Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces (April 25th to 30th) shows us an archetypal relationship built on an unreal, non-existent foundation, and on the phantasmagorias of a weak or underdeveloped mind. The scenario built around this nucleus has always been at the core of our interactions and expectations that have fueled our dreams, disappointments, and renunciations. The Dionysian archetype, in its positive hypostasis, is the sacrifice in the name of a transformation on a personal and collective level, and in its negative one it is lie, usurpation and perversion of the truth.
Odalisque with Pearls by Theodor Aman