Virgo Full Moon – Crosswords

Virgo Full Moon (March 7th, 2023 h124:40 UT) places an activity, an action or a decision that we have postponed for objective reasons, but which must be carried out to the end, on the coordinates of practical reality. Attention to detail and reining in fantasies of omnipotence contribute to a relatively easy passage through a transition period that can last from a few weeks to a few months.

Mercury in Pisces, ruler of the Virgo Full Moon, in opposition to the Moon in Virgo, serves as a catalyst for momentum full of promise and optimism, influencing the latent potential of the present. Just as haste spoils the work, so a slow pace or reaction can disadvantage or decisively change the results. Between what we think is good for us and what is useful sometimes there is a chasm that only wisdom and prudence can bypass.

Mercury in Pisces conjunct with Sun in Pisces benefits artistic, creative and naturally inclined to help spirits by giving them two invaluable resources from the collective unconscious: imagination and compassion. To change the story (un)told so far and to see beyond the line drawn by the biological, familial and cultural, is to embark on a spiritual path whose goal is authentic knowledge of the ultimate reality.

Virgo Full Moon squaring Mars in Gemini raises some question marks about intentions and messages the reason for which is not at all clear. Ambiguity and frivolity are the mark of those who do not respect and appreciate, troubling the already muddy waters of communication. Lack of ownership and understanding destroys relationships and forces consequences that cannot be avoided. Without substantial insight into the current situation, we can only be disappointed by the results of the last few months.

Sun in Pisces squaring Mars in Gemini suggests a partial or total disidentification from a role we’ve played in the name of something we no longer believe in. Old beliefs and convictions, however perfect and correct they may seem, are an invention of the individual or collective mind designed to ensure blind obedience and trust. The coup d’état comes from the shadow showing its power by playing crosswords between weak mind and raw emotion.

Venus in Aries in sextile with Mars in Gemini finds a way out of a mental block, choosing the most direct and assertive path. Confronting two possibilities for growth reveals either a lack of courage or immaturity. Even if the two choices cannot be sustained at the same time, they can alchemize in such a way as to touch and nourish the sides of the personality that called for such an experience.

Barque by Zamfir Dumitrescu